Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bezier Constructor

This rhinoscript takes a series of points selected in sequence and creates a bezier curve using the geomtetric method of construction. Rendering both the final bezier curve as well as the construction lines used to produce this curve. These curves produce a beautiful spatial fabric in visualizing the geometric structure beneath. A more detailed/ animated reference of this method of contruction can be found at Wikipedia

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Grassy Knoll

Developed as part of an ongoing collaboration.
This rhino script allows the user to create highly varied, yet controllable, low polygon count "hairs"
Version 1 operates based on the world coordinate system, growing upwards from a user selected series of points.
Version 2 allows for the selection of a surface which will be randomly populated with grass blades perpandicular to the suface (about the surface normal)
The user is given the option to specify the range of lengths (min-max), the range of bending per segment, and the base and tip radius. The user can control the number of segments the blade will have, the more segments the smoother the bend, the greater the polygons. In addition as part of the interest in polygon optimization the user can specify the number of sides on each blade, a 2 sided blade is flat, 3 sided become three dimensional (triangular), 4 rectangular, etc. the higher the number the rounder it is, the higher the polygon count.

Grass From Random Points Script
Grass From Surface Script

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Break Apart Surface

This Rhino Script take a surface and subdivides it into a grid. From this grid it extracts a series of surfaces from the main surface, maintaining surface curvature. While the script itself is not that powerful, the function which creates the surface from an input of 4 points has been quite useful.

Break Apart Surface Script